About the EAC Program

Eat Around the Clock was founded in 2018 as the first product of the company INJEANNIEUITY. The product came about when Jeannie Kahley, owner and operator of INJEANNIEUITY struggled to get a young foster child, who came to live with her, to eat nutritious foods.

Eat Around the Clock was something easy and fun that could motivate even the harshest young food critics! Jeannie, whose background was in elementary education, soon learned that many children have food issues and refusing to eat was not uncommon. In her experience as a Principal of an Elementary School, she often watched as children disposed of the good foods their parents packed in their lunches. She noticed many apples, oranges, celery sticks and sandwiches on whole wheat bread being thrown away in the large trash containers. Of course, the children would eat the candy treat or the cupcake and of course, the parents felt they were doing their due-diligence in packing a healthy lunch . . . but what was really happening? Many children were foregoing the main nutritious items that would give them energy and strength for the afternoon of classwork.

Jeannie began using the Eat Around the Clock method with Devon, her foster child, and much to her satisfaction found that it worked. She added extra incentives by creating a character, Kippy the Carrot, who would motivate Devon to eat the nutritious foods and gain exposure to all types of food groups including: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. She later wrote a book to accompany the Eat Around the Clock concept and found that children were not only willing to try different foods but actually began to like the taste of these new foods as their palettes developed in a more advanced fashion. 

Information about Eat Around the Clock can be found on the following social channels: