
I am not the best cook and I tend to go for the quick and easy, like pizza, chicken nuggets and hot dogs. It is just easier when you have three children. After getting three Eat Around the Clock Kits, one for each child, I found myself shopping for healthier food items. I bought more fruits and vegetables. I still wasn’t great at making a totally nutritious, green, organic, farm-fed, vegan, meal by any sorts, but I incorporated fruits and vegetables onto each child’s plate along with the foods they were familiar with. I was amazed to see how this worked so well! It inspired me to start buying more and more healthy items at the grocery store and even challenging myself to buy and try new things. I had never eaten an eggplant, so I looked up a recipe for making eggplant lasagna and my kids loved it! My hubby did too! I can now attest to the fact that we are all eating more nutritious foods and all three kids, while at different levels of adventurous eating, are more open to trying new things. Thanks Eat Around the Clock for saving this Mom from Fast Food boredom and helping me to feel better about what I am serving my kids.
— Stephanie

Love the idea! This is going to be big hit with children!
— Ellen

The plate is so eye catching! Parents are going to love this!
— Audrey

My daughter is such a picky eater. She basically likes pasta with butter and crackers with cheese. I used these foods with the Eat Around the Clock program and made sure to really talk up Kippy and have him watch her at every meal, as she ate green beans to get to the pasta. I am proud to say she is now eating at least 4 different vegetables and 3 different fruits. I enjoy writing little notes and having my daughter find them by Kippy right before she goes to bed. She also loves the book and has read it so many times she can practically recite every line!
— Mike

I wish I had this when my son, who is now 31, was growing up. The only vegetable he will eat is corn.
— Debbie

I wish I had this when my son, who is now 31, was growing up. The only vegetable he will eat is corn.
— Betty

Being a single parent, I don’t have time to make special order meals for each child. This system has been a lifesaver for me. My children Eat Around the Clock now without me having to monitor them or use favorite food incentives. They actually enjoy the meal I have cooked for them.
— Mark